Message For Mother of Immaculee

April 10, 1994
Hello mother,
Hopefully you get this message. Mom I am hiding in our pastor's bathroom inside his house. I am here with seven of my friends from University. Mother how is our family? How are my brothers? I hope you are all doing well. My friends and I are planning to stay here until the war is over. If it's safe you should find your way here with the siblings. There will be space because we're all skinny cause of no food to eat. I am learning a new language, English, so when the war is over we can escape to another country and live there. Oh how I would dream of living a life free of pain and misery again. Don't worry this will all be over soon. Just try to stay out of trouble. Mother you must pray to a higher power so that he will lead us alive out of this brutality. I am reading the bible and all its miracles. This is our chance just pray mother. Pray to the lord and it will all be over soon. Tell my brothers to pray. If I don't get a message of some sort back than I will assume you are dead. 
Immaculée Ilibagiza 
This message is made up based on real information. Faisal Rahman

Letter To Cousin of Immaculee

Hello Cousin,
It’s me Immaculee; I am sending this letter from my new home in New York. I just want to tell you, that you should come to USA because it is a much safer and better place. Here in the USA there is more of variety of careers you can pursue. Also it is much easier to pursue your own dreams. The economy is also much better in the USA so some jobs really pay well, so it is easy to make a living. Not only is the economy better in the USA the Education system is also much better. Also learning and mastering English is not that hard, it also benefits you to learn English because most of the people in the USA speak English. Although you may not want to leave your birth place and home, it is much better to stay and live. I know it may be very hard cousin but I am here for you. I will help you set arrangements for you. Also you can bring your other family members with you. It can all be arranged. So when you get this letter, please consider and come to the US.
Immaculee Ilibagiza
This letter was made for the project. Robin Kim

Letter to Immaculee

Hello sister,
Are you hiding well? I am sorry I couldn't visit you before you went off to college. I know you missed me a lot and me being there for you meant a lot to you. But I didn't had the chance to visit you because of my job was from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. I am hiding in a cellar of our neighbor, Kanahsha. I don't know if you remember her but we helped her by translating when she was an immigrant from Kenya. Now she is a Hutu, but she still hid me for that sake. Immaculee, I am sending you this letter to tell you that I am running away to the Kenya if not possible, then illegally. I already packed some bananas, papayas, and sweet potatoes, thanks to our kind neighbor. I know this sounds stupid but let’s meet at the parking lot of Grand Rwandan Hotel. Our neighbor informed me that there will be the U.N. soldiers camping out there. So, if they are meaning no harm to us, hiding inside their camp and planning some way to get out of this massacre will be probably a 50/50 chance. If you will not be there by tommorow 4:00 a.m., I might not be able to find you and flee together with you. Father and mother died, so is your other brother, I don't want to lose you, too.
I love you Immaculee.....
Damascene Ilibagiza          

Junwhee Ahn